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Eac3to Source File Not Found

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The main tool you will need for this job is the ClownBD GUI (which bundles up aspects of eac3to, aften and tsMuxer). Get it here.

This guide assumes that you have already ripped your HD-DVD to your hard drive. If you have an encryption bypassing tool such as AnyDVD or DVDFab passkey you can convert directly from the disc on-the-fly, though this is an altogether slower process.

Feb 03, 2015 I don't see how that code would work, you'd end up with source files ending with.w64.w64, not to mention what would happen if there was a space in the file name. I think you'd need to replace the middle line with: eac3to.exe%%I '%%dpnI-new.ac3'. Eac3to v3.34, freeware by - can show information about audio, video, VOB/EVO/(M2)TS and MKV files - can decode and encode various audio formats - can remove dialog normalization from AC3, E-AC3, DTS and TrueHD tracks - can extract AC3 stream from Blu-Ray TrueHD/AC3 tracks - can extract TrueHD stream from Blu-Ray TrueHD/AC3 tracks - can extract DTS core from DTS-HD tracks - can.

1. Open your source and select your movie

Open ClownBD (Clown_BD_0.81.exe). The first option is to indicate your source, so click on the **BD/HD-DVD **button and browse to your ripped folder (or HD-DVD drive if you intend to work directly from the disc).

Next indicate your Demux Location, where the video and audio streams will be split and stored (along with a chapter log).

The Remux Location is optional - if you just want a BD disc based on the existing audio/video of the HD-DVD movie, tsMuxer will build a new BD folder for you. If you don't want this yet, for example if you're planning on adding additional audio tracks or want to tinker with the picture, leave the ‘Use tsMuxeR' button unchecked; Clown will just rip the streams and you can use tsMuxer manually to build your disc later on.

I've never needed any of the additional options here, though I imagine the force subtitles option might be useful if you're converting from a foreign language disc.

Click Next.

The next screen allows you to choose your video to extract. Each title will be listed here, so in the case of branched movies you'll have more than one option for the main feature - check the running times and select the title you want to convert, then click Next.

2. Select video and audio streams

Now it's time to decide which streams you want to keep. Clown displays a list of the video and audio streams in the title with descriptions, and it's simply a case of making sure the important ones are checked. The main window (on the left) shows your overall selections, but you can use the panels on the right to make ‘blanket' choices (e.g. all the English audio tracks, all the French subs etc.)

A word on audio formats. HD-DVDs, like Blu-rays, supported a range of audio codecs. Some will carry over to a BD disc with no problems, but others will need to be converted in some way for compatibility. A quick summary:

'Standard' Dolby Digital, DTS and PCM are all fully compatible, so in Audio Output Format leave them as Unconverted.

DTS-HD HR, DTS-HD MA and Dolby TrueHD are BD-compatible HD formats. You do have some space-saving options if you don't want the full HD track: The DTS formats carry a standard DTS Core option which Clown can extract for you, and TrueHD can be converted to standard AC3 or DTS (which an SD receiver will need). If you do want the full HD track just leave it Unconverted.

Dolby Digital Plus aka E-AC3 is not BD-friendly, so you should use the AC3 or DTS conversion options here. Note that DTS encoding requires the presence of an external DTS filter (e.g. Surcode).

When you've made your choices, it's finally time to click Next and let the process run. In an hour or so you should have a fully BD compatible folder structure on your hard drive, ready to burn.

  • Windows
  • Ubuntu
  • macOS

Native / WINE / VM

A native implementation is always preferred in this guide, as native applications will be fasterand less error prone.

For Windows users, lucky you, a native option is available for everything that we cover in thisguide and then some.Ubuntu users have it pretty good too, depending on your needs you might beable to go native the whole way through as well. If you have greater needs, WINE or a VM worksgreat for many of the other applications you might be interested in.MacOS isn't too shabby either, although users will probably have to put the most effortin to get setup, as more software needs tobe compiled for native use, and a VM is required for some steps (namely taking comparison screens).Luckily, macOS has great virtualization software.

WINE is a wonderful open source project that provides an implementation of the Win32 API fornon-Windows systems. What that boils down to is being able to run applications designed and compiledfor Windows on your non-Windows machine. Sadly, it isn't perfect, although it is always gettingbetter thanks to the open source community. This will be an integral tool for Ubuntu users,especially those whom wish to remux on a remote server.

VM stands for virtual machine, and it is pretty much another computer inside of your existingcomputer. While virtualization is not perfect, it is much better than WINE as far as compatibilitygoes, although performance suffers due to overhead. For Ubuntu users, I recommend VMwareWorkstation - it is an excellent product. MacOS users can choose between VMware and Parallels, bothare great and chances are you already have one of them installed. Both offer unity mode, which willmake Windows applications feel a bit more native, as well as shared folders, which will makeworking on an encode seamless.

For certain tools, I have marked them as either WINE and/or VM. For those marked as VM, you shouldrefer to the Windows portion for installation or setup instructions, if any. The only exception isDolby Media Producer Suite, which requires macOS. This is a completely optional piece of software,as there is


AnyDVD HD / DVDFab / MakeMKV

Windows users have 3 (well known) decryption and ripping tools available to them. Note that if youare not planning to use a physical Blu-ray as a source, you can skip this part. Otherwise, read on.

AnyDVD HD is by far the most well known, and probably the most advanced of these three tools. Iwould highly recommend this one over the others, although DVDFab is a good back up (and has provedcapable of holdings its own against Slysoft's tool). Download ithere. I do not provide a link to a crack/trial re-setteras merely changing your system clock back to when the trial would be active is enough to re-enablethe free trial.

DVDFab has two products of interests, Passkey forBlu-ray and DVDFab HDDecrypter. Passkey works just like AnyDVDHD. It has a free version and a paid version (with trial). HD Decrypter is also free, but requiresyou to rip to ISO, so Passkey would be preferred.

MakeMKV is not just a decrypter, but also a one shot remuxing tool. It's not recommended to usethis to create remuxes as it is known to drop frames. You can download ithere. It has a 30 day trial period. Decrypted rips must becreated through the software. This software is more like DVDFab's HD Decrypter, rather than Passkeyor AnyDVD HD.

Of these three, I would recommend AnyDVD HD. If that fails, then Passkey for Blu-ray.


TeraCopy is only necessary if you are using AnyDVD HD or Passkey for Blu-ray. The reason beingTeraCopy offers to check your copy using CRC, which will help ensure that your rip is free of anyglitches (that weren't already on the disc). Bad rips happen more often than you think.You can download TeraCopy here. You will have to setyour preferences to 'Always test after copy'.


eac3to, which can be downloaded here, is the defacto tool for demuxing Blu-rays. This is a command line program, so if you are uncomfortable withCLI, either read some documentation you can find from Google, or use a GUI. I will cover the basicstuff you need to know later in the guide for CLI users. I do not offer support for GUIs.

There is no installer or anything for this, so just unzip somewhere convenient. You can add thedirectory containing eac3to.exe to your PATH environment variable, instructions arehere.This will make using eac3to much easier. It's recommended doing so, and the rest of the guidewill assume that you did.

The latest eac3to versions still don't have the latest FLAC(libFLAC)/DTS(libdcadec) decoderversions. You might want manually update them.

  • Download here,move libFLAC_dynamic.dll to eac3to folder and rename it to libFLAC.dll.
  • Download the latest libdcadec win32 version here andmove libdcadec.dll to eac3to folder.

DTS-HD Master Audio Suite

DTS-HD Master Audio Suite is the professional tool used to create DTS streams. You can download itfrom almost every general/software tracker.

Dolby Digital Surcode Encoder / Sony Sound Forge / Dolby Media Producer Suite (VM)

Dolby Digital Surcode Encoder is a Dolby Certified encoder, so it will produce better results thanlibav. You can download it from almost every general/software tracker. There is no reason to use amacOS VM along with Dolby Media Producer Suite, unless you want TrueHD (no, you don't).

Sony Sound Forge is another Dolby Certified encoder that will work with windows 10. You candownload it from almost every general/software tracker.

Dolby Media Producer Suite requires macOS, see macOS section for details.

Apple qaac Encoder

It is prefered you use the apple qaac encoder for commentary streams and for the main track.Download here. Download qaac_*.zip andcopy the content of qaac64 folder to eac3to folder.

AviSynth + FFMS2

Editor's note:There are 4 options for processing videos: Avisynth (Windows *32-bit),Avisynth+ (Windows 64-bit), AvxSynth (*nix 64-bit), and Vapoursynth (Cross-platform64-bit). If you are just starting off with encoding you can try to learn and useVapoursynth instead of any of the Avisynthderivatives. In addition to being a lot more powerful and flexible, it adds multithreadingand uses python syntax. It is also completely cross-platform. The integration of pythonis pushing video processing in new directions, including the possibility to previewyour video while processing it.You can read the documentation and get many of thesame scripts mentioned in this guidefrom the official website. The downside is that you will be on your own for the mostpart; the rest of this guide won't help with writing Vapoursynth.

You should try AviSynth+, which can be downloadedhere. It's recently updated, a has64bit version (list of 64bit plugins), supportsmultithreading, deep color, and almost every AviSynth script should work withAviSynth+. Even without multithreading should be faster than regular AviSynth. Moreinfo here. If you're going to usemultithreading, download this script to plugins folder. Ifyou don't have 6+ core CPU, using > 2 threads will probably have a negative effect.Using multithreading helps when you have heavy script with a lot of filters. Forvanilla script (source, crop, resizing) usually no need of multithreading. You shouldrun some tests to see what is the best choice for the current situation.

AviSynth (not recommended), which can be downloadedhere, is a scripting language that allows you toprocess videos. (be sure you get 2.6)

FFMS2, download here, provides a frame accurate sourcefilter for AviSynth(+). Copy FFMS2.avsi and ffms2.dll to AviSynth's plugins folder, andffmsindex.exe and ffms2.dll to the eac3to folder. Note: FFMS2 versions above 2.19 couldcause out of sync for some sources.



AvsPmod, download here, allows you to previewAviSynth scripts. No installation required.

If you're using AviSynth+, downloadTHIS version.

Note: AvsPmod 32bit works with AviSynth/AviSynth+ 32bit, AvsPmod 64bit requires AviSynth+ 64bit.

x264 + avs2yuv

There are two ways to go about using x264.


Download pre-built executables fromvideolan. Get the 'clear'builds, unless you want to try out user modifications (not recommended for new users).Copy this to your eac3to folder.

You will also need to download avs2yuv here, as thiswill allow you to use 32-bit AviSynth with 64-bit x264. You only need this if you are using 64-bitx264 (probably most of you). Place this in your eac3to folder.

And lastly you'll need LoRd_MuldeR's LoggingUltilhere which allows you to keepa copy of the x264 encoding log. Again, place this in your eac3to folder.

Example of a batch file to run encodes:

Example of a batch file to run encodes with AviSynth+ 64bit and x264 64bit:


Simple x264 Launcher is precisely what its name implies, and is my personal pick for GUI.You can download it from here. It includes x264and avs2yuv.


MKVToolNix is a suite of tools for processing matroska files, most importantly, it is what we willuse to combine our demuxed streams into one single and easy to use file. You can download it fromhere. It does not matter if you use theinstaller or the portable version.


AnyDVD HD (VM) / DVDFab (VM) / MakeMKV

Ubuntu users have the fewest options available for disc decryption. The only tool I know of isMakeMKV, which you will have to build yourself. The source and build instructions can be foundhere.

If you want to use AnyDVD HD or DVDFab, using a VM works great. VMware is capable of passing youroptical drive through to the guest OS.

eac3to + WINE/VM

Server users will have to use WINE. VM users can choose to use their VM instead. eac3tocompatibility with WINE is very good, however.

To install WINE:

To get eac3to:

Let's setup some handy aliases to make using eac3to easier. Add these to .bashrc or .bash_aliases.

While we're at it, let's install mono so we can use BDInfo: GUI REQUIREDwinetricks mono210

DTS-HD Master Audio Suite (VM)

I have been rather unsuccessful getting this to run with WINE, although others have had differentexperiences, so YMMV.

Dolby Digital Surcode Encoder (VM) / Dolby Media Producer Suite (VM)

Similarly for Dolby, a VM is going to be your best bet.

libfdk_aac / ffmpeg AAC Encoder

You will have to choose between the two different AAC encoders readily available on Linux.They are libfdk_aac and ffmpeg's native AAC encoder.According to the ffmpeg docs:

This encoder [libfdk] is considered to produce output on par or worse at 128kbps to the the nativeFFmpeg AAC encoder but can often produce better sounding audio at identical or lower bitratesand has support for the AAC-HE profiles.

Since we will be mostly encoding audio at a higher bitrate than 128kbps, most readerswill only need the native encoder.

In case you want to use libfdk_aac anyway,here is a script for compiling ffmpeg with libfdk_aac.

BDSup2Sub++ / Tesseract / bdnxml2srt

While there are an abundance of methods of SUP OCR on Windows, I have found only a couple forUbuntu, here's my pick.

To 'demux' our PGS SUP streams into timings and bitmaps, we are going to useBDSup2Sub++, a C++ and Qt port of the originalBDSup2Sub tool for Java. Using this, we can convert the SUP into BDN XML + PNG, which we will beable to properly process.

You will need to install Qt and Qxt.

Now download the source for BDSup2Sub++ from GitHub and compile.

You will be left with a bdsup2sub++ binary in the current working directory. You can'install' it if you wish with sudo cp bdsup2sub++ /usr/bin

Additionally, we need an OCR tool to convert the images to text, so we will use tesseract forthat. Install it via sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr

You can get training data for various languages from aptitude as well, search for them withapt-cache search tesseract-ocr-

and then install as usual, e.g. to get Spanish data: sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr-spa

Now you have the tools you need for bdnxml2srt, which is a script that will OCR all the imagesfor you, as well as convert the XML timings to SRT timings. Downloadhere.

AvxSynth + FFMS2

AvxSynth with FFMS2 support is going to be our native alternative to Avisynth, which will allow usto manipulate video streams. This is where things get a bit more complicated, as you'll have tocompile some things from source. Just follow the instructions and you should be good.

First, we'll need to get some build tools and dependencies.

FFMS2, which stands for ffmpegsource2, is obviously going to depend on FFmpeg, so we need to buildthat first. Samsung syncmaster sa100 driver windows 10.

Now we can build FFMS2.

And finally, AvxSynth, with FFMS2 support.


The wonderful developers of AvsPmod have added support for linux and AvxSynth.

Consider creating an alias for the final command to make things easier in the future, and don'tforget to use the absolute path to when you do.


After running the above configure script, your output should look like below. Note also that ifyou want a 10-bit version of x264, append --bit-depth=10 to the ./configure line. If you arecurious as to what fprofiled does, it basically performs optimization based on real world usageof x264. The video we optimize with is arbitrary.

When it is time to update x264, just git pull followed by the same commands we used above.


MKVToolNix is a suite of tools for processing matroska files, most importantly, it is what we willuse to combine our demuxed streams into one single and easy to use file. Official installationinstructions for MKVToolNix can be found on the official site locatedhere.


AnyDVD HD (VM) / DVDFab (passkey requires VM) / MakeMKV

Eac3to Source File Not Found Windows 10

DVDFab has two products of interests, but only one of them has a macOS version. DVDFab HDDecrypter is free, butrequires you to rip to ISO.

MakeMKV is not just a decrypter, but also a one shot remuxing tool. It's not recommended to usethis to create remuxes. You can download it here. It has a 30day trial period. Decrypted rips in this case are BDMV. It seems that by default, making a fulldisc backup does not remove encryption, you'll need to check the box for that.

eac3to + WINE/VM

Since a VM is required for macOS users, I would recommend using eac3to in a VM as well, but if youwant WINE anyways, I'll go over that too. If you go the VM route, be sure to do the decoder setupas well.

Even if you don't want to use WINE, you should still do the following as you'll need it for otherthings.

Download and install XCode from the App Store. Once installed, launch it, and accept the useragreement. In the menu bar, go to XCode > Preferences, go to the Downloads tab, and installCommand Line Tools. We will also need XQuartz. Download it fromhere and install.

Skip below if you don't want WINE.

We are going to use macOS WINE, rather than homebrew/macports/etc,as this script is self contained, and won't break anything else later.

Download eac3to here, and unzip to your homedirectory (only because the rest of the instructions assume so), such that you have~/eac3to/eac3to.exe

While we're at it, let's install mono so we can use BDInfo:

Add these two aliases to .bashrc or .bash_aliases (if enabled).

Be sure to use the correct paths to wine and eac3to.exe for your system.

DTS-HD Master Audio Suite (VM)

I have been rather unsuccessful getting this to run with WINE, although others have had differentexperiences, so YMMV.

Eac3to Source File Not Found Windows 10

Dolby Digital Surcode Encoder (VM) / Dolby Media Producer Suite

Finally, macOS has the best native solution for something. Download Dolby Media ProducerSuite from somewhere. There is no reason to use Dolby Digital Surcode Encoder in a VM.

BDSup2Sub++ / Tesseract / bdnxml2srt

While there are an abundance of methods of SUP OCR on Windows, I have found only a couple for macOS,here's my pick.

To 'demux' our PGS SUP streams into timings and bitmaps, we are going to useBDSup2Sub++, a C++ and Qt port of the originalBDSup2Sub tool for Java. Using this, we can convert the SUP into BDN XML + PNG, which we will beable to properly process.

Download a pre built version of BDSup2Sub++ fromdoom9 (doom9 should have the latestlink). You are interested in the file Contents/MacOS/bdsup2sub++. You should leave itthere as it needs access to the Resources included in the package. However, this meansmore typing in the future, unless you set an alias.

Additionally, we need an OCR tool to convert the images to text, so we will use tesseract forthat. brew install tesseract

If you want to use language training data not included with the homebrew package, download theappropriate training data, open it withFinder, and copy the .traineddata file into the/usr/local/Cellar/tesseract/version/share/tessdata directory.

Now you have the tools you need for bdnxml2srt, which is a script that will OCR all the imagesfor you, as well as convert the XML timings to SRT timings. Downloadhere.

AvxSynth + FFMS2

We are going to use homebrew to get some more essential tools (testing with MacPorts resulted infailure).

Now we can start building.

Get FFMS2 by running brew install ffms2

Now to build AvxSynth.

AvsPmod (VM)

File Not Found (404 Error)

While Ubuntu users have native support for running AvsPmod, macOS users do not, sadly. The devs willhave to update it with macOS support. Until then, you'll need to use a VM for this.


The best way to install x264 on macOS is with Homebrew.


Eac3to Source File Not Found Dead

MKVToolNix is a suite of tools for processing matroska files, most importantly, it is what we willuse to combine our demuxed streams into one single and easy to use file. You can download it fromhere.

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